Research Conference and Seminar Talks

Who's Got the Power? Wage Determination and its Resilience throughout the Great Recession


IAAE Annual Meeting

27th Annual SOLE Meeting

Uppsala University

CREST - École Polytechnique



Durham University

University of Groningen

2022 Portugal Stata Conference








European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society 

Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) 

IZA Workshop: Labour Market Institutions

EEA - ESEM Conference 

14th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal

Nova School of Business and Economics

London School of Economics

Banco de Portugal

Work in Progress - London School of Economics

Work in Progress - London School of Economics

The Last Dance? Credit Cycles and Labour Market Adjustments throughout Downturns



The European Unemployment Problem: Past Trajectory, Present Dilemmas and Future Policies, Workshop ETH Zurich

36th Annual Conference of Labour Economics, Associazione Italiana Economisti del Lavoro (AIEL)

Asia and Australasia Society of Labour Economics 2021 Conference

Union Membership Density and Wages: The Role of Worker, Firm and Job-Title Heterogeneity




Models of Linked Employer-Employee Data: 20 Years after ‘High Wage Workers and High Wage Firms'

Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Association/American Economic Association

21st Annual SOLE Meeting 

10th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal

CEP-LSE Labour Market Workshop

Unions and Collective Bargaining in the Wake of the Great Recession: Evidence from Portugal


9th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal

Banco de Portugal

GEE - Portuguese Ministry of Economics

Policy Talks

Housing Policy in Portugal


PwC and Urban Land Institute (ULI) - Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2024

Laboratório da Cidadania Jovem de Arouca - Debate sobre Habitação

FEP Economic Society Semana do Orçamento - Debate sobre Habitação 

Associação Portuguesa de Habitação Municipal: 3º Forúm da Habitação

Conferência PLMJ+ImoJuris sobre o Pacote +Habitação

Conferência Alfa Day sobre Habitação - KW Imobiliária 

Debate sobre Habitação - Programa É ou Não É da RTP1

Evento de debate sobre Habitação com Stakeholders FFMS

Colóquio Habitação do PSD